
Happy Mother's Day!

To all of our wonderful moms, stepmoms, mothers-to-be, wishing-to-be mothers, foster and adoptive moms, rockstar aunts, teachers, health care providers, and all women who nurture our children and others, we are grateful for you.  Thank you so much for your persistent care, your selfless love, your sacrifices, and for sticking it out.

It is our greatest honor and privilege to get to work with all of you!  As women, it is our nature to put others first.  I salute you for taking great care of yourself so that you can take even better care of your family, students, patients.  Whether you're a pregnant mom, a mama to crazy toddlers, or a grandma with grown kiddos, I hope you get to take time this weekend to do what you love!  Get a massage, buy some plants, do yoga, go out for brunch.  And for those of you who long for someone to celebrate you this weekend -  we acknowledge your ache, and we have a little something special for all the women at our office this weekend.

How Dr. Kyle Recovered from a Concussion

Hello, it's Dr. Kyle with my personal story about a concussion, which is a hot topic these days. With the growing dollar amount spent on research each year on concussion, along with the changes to sports rules, and even the making of movies, concussion is definitely a topic that has caught our attention. In this blog I want to share with you my recent experience with concussion and how I treated my concussion to be sure there would be no residual side effects.

Two Fridays ago I was a driving home from my sisters after having dinner with her and her fiancé. As I was headed back into Minneapolis on I-94 eastbound my car was hit by a drunk driver. The driver was estimated to be going somewhere around 90 MPH when he hit the rear end of my vehicle. The collision caused my car to spin out and hit the center median. The rest of the crash is somewhat blurry, but I do remember walking out the vehicle once it came to a halt and scanning my body for any injuries. To my surprise, I stepped out almost completely unscratched. I am truly grateful and still amazed that I wasn't more seriously injured from the crash.

However, as the adrenaline in my system began to dissipate, I was quickly able to detect the signs and symptoms of a concussion. A pounding headache, confusion, brain fog, and sleepiness set in the over the night and into the next morning. These are classic symptoms of post- concussion syndrome. Other symptoms to look out for are dizziness, trouble concentrating, personality changes, and sensitivity to light and sound. If you suspect you have a concussion and have any of these symptoms, you should first go to your doctor to make sure there isn't something more serious going on like a bleed inside your skull.

Over the course of the next 5 days I was able to completely knock out any signs or symptoms of post concussion syndrome by doing a few very important things that should be done after every concussion.


My supplementation focus was to supply my brain with the essential nutrients it needs to repair neurons as well as decrease any inflammation and free radicals. I took 6g of EPA-DHA fish oil every day, which are essential fatty acids used for neuron growth. In addition, I took 500mg of glutathione, 500mg of N-Acetycysteine, and 1000mg of vitamin C daily. All three of these are powerful antioxidants, glutathione being especially potent in the brain.


After a concussion it’s recommended that you follow a diet that decreases inflammation as well as supplies your body with lots of healthy fats and antioxidants. Eating this type of diet puts your brain in a healing state. I ate mostly keto for the first 5 days after my concussion, meaning only 10% of calories were carbohydrates, the rest being fat and protein. It's also recommended to avoid caffeine and alcohol as these can also put extra stress on the brain.


It's very important to avoid any strenuous physical or mental activity for the first 5-7 days after a concussion in order to allow the brain to heal effectively. Getting adequate sleep (8-9 hours) and taking naps throughout the day are also crucial for recovery. It’s also recommended that you avoid lighted screens after a concussion. If you must use your phone, be sure to put it on night shift mode in order to avoid excessive blue light exposure.


The first thing I did the morning after I my accident was go get adjusted by Dr. Erin. To no surprise, her main findings were in my neck and cranial bones. By making adjustments to these areas, it helped taken tension off of the brain and spinal cord, lowering inflammation and allowing the nerves to heal faster. Getting adjusted after my concussion was a crucial step in my recovery process.

By implementing all of these strategies listed above, I was back to 100% after just 5 days. Because of how delicate our neurological tissues are, I cannot stress how important it is to take the proper action after a concussion. Ignoring concussion symptoms and not treating it with the proper supplements, diet, activity, and chiropractic work can lead to permanent neurological symptoms down the road.

Proprioception in Neurodevelopmental Disorders

All April, we have mentioned how many times we've seen the lives of countless children and adults with autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders improve using our approach of salutogenesis, or creation of health. This blog will focus most on the physical/structural contributions to autism.  Since autism is primarily a disease of the nervous system, disturbances on the areas of the nervous system absolutely can contribute to the severity or intensity of symptoms.  These disturbances can put pressure on the brain stem or autonomic nervous system, disrupt blood flow or cerebrospinal fluid flow to the brain, or alter sensory information that feeds that brain (all the things our senses are constantly telling our brain!).

How does a child develop a nervous system disturbance?  Most often, they  occur after a long, difficult, or intense birth (studies show up to 80% of births are traumatic for a young child's neck!). Other reasons include: head injuries, a car accident, a fall from bed, sports injuries etc. Symptoms after nerve system interference occur can include:  an infant who prefers to nurse on one side or turn his head one way, colic or reflux in a young baby, a flattened or asymmetrical head, a young child who falls down and looks more awkward while moving than her peers, missing developmental milestones, or frequent immune system problems.

So why does a nervous system disturbance have such different symptoms in an infant? The nerves in the upper neck are highly specialized. The nerves that exit the brainstem and run to the body affect the automatic nervous system, which controls the heart, lungs, hormones, movement patterns, sleep patterns, digestion, etc. Nerve information going TO the brain sends a specific type of sensory information, called proprioception, which tells the brain where each bodily joint is in space. The brain thrives on this specific type of sensory input, and a lack of it or a change of information can cause clumsiness, lack of pain or sensation, or unusual movement patterns that are often present with autism and other spectrum disorders.

Because the developing structures of a child are malleable, if a small or large misalignment is not checked and corrected, the child's nervous system develops in this misaligned way.  As a twig is bent, so grows the tree.

The great news about working with children with nervous system disturbances is also this... their nervous systems are flexible and malleable.  The three alternative therapies that we have noted to make incredible improvements in many lives include OT (Occupational Therapy), CST (Craniosacral Therapy), and Chiropractic care.  OT works with helping the brain integrate primitive reflexes so it can understand sensory information better and develop more complex ways to move and think... such as we see in toddlers and preschoolers - an increase in focus, coordination, and fine motor control.  Craniosacral therapy helps the position and shape of the cranial bones. This can remove pressure from the cranial nerves, helps cerebrospinal fluid flow more easily, and can increase blood flow to the brain.

Our chiropractic care works specifically on removing the interference of the spinal cord and the nerves that exit it. When gently done in the proper areas (ie especially in the upper neck), this improves proprioception, helps sensory information improve, restores balance to the automatic nervous system, and improves blood flow and cerebrospinal fluid flow in the brain.  The many and amazing benefits in children and adults with NDD's have been: improved sleep, better digestion, fewer tics, increase in happiness, improved speech, better focus in school, and more.

Please email or call us if you would like to attend one of our Unraveling Neurodevelopmental Disorders workshops.  If you would like to read our studies, testimonials, or set up a consult, reach out to

Can autism, an uncurable disease, be improved?

We believe in a salutogenic approach (where we focus on creating health) to every condition and problem. With autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders, there is never a guarantee nor can anyone offer a cure. But for countless lives, focusing on lifestyle changes that balance the nervous, digestive, and immune systems has created a much more pleasant way of life for parents and children alike.

For today, we will focus on digestive changes. As we discussed last week, gut health and the microbiome has a huge impact on neurological function and health. So optimizing the gut creates a place where healthy bacteria can keep bad things in balance, toxins are quickly moved through the body, and happy hormones are translated up to the brain.

Several diets have been studied in great detail and shown to have huge positive impacts on the gut in children and adults with neurodevelopmental disorders.  The first one that we highly recommend is called the Feingold diet.  In this diet, children eliminate artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, and several preservatives that are believed to activate neuroinflammation associated with hyperactivity, as well as inflammation that affects allergies, asthma, eczema, and hives.  Some excellent studies have shown its effectiveness.

Feingold was Chief of Pediatrics at Cedars of Lebanon Hospital in Los Angeles, CA, until 1951, when he became Chief of Allergy at Kaiser-Permanente Medical Center in San Francisco. He continued his work with children and adults with hyperactivity and allergy until his death at the age of 82, in 1982.

Another diet specifically developed for neurological disorders is called the GAPS diet.  GAPS is a very involved diet designed to alter the microbiome by introducing a broth based diet for several days to kill off any harmful bacteria and yeast.  After that, healthy and nutritious foods are slowly reintroduced, and the gut is repopulated with beneficial bacteria that have also been proven to show great changes in behavior, sleep patterns, and mood.  Read more about the GAPS diet here and here.

Though introducing a new diet to children with neurodevelopmental challenges can be difficult, the benefits are amazing!  Next week, we will discuss other health changes to improve the lives of children with autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders.



Why do so many more children have autism?

As we discussed last week, the prevalence of autism has increased greatly.  This
week we will look to the why so hopefully we can prevent these numbers from
increasing even more in the future.  Autism is a condition that encompasses the
nervous system, the digestive system, the immune system, and the body's ability to
excrete, so it is very complex issue.

Nature vs. Nurture
One to two generations ago, in the 1970's, the genetic material of humans was
clearly very similar to how it is today.  Yet autism occurred in only 1/10,000 people.
For that reason, it’s not surprising that studies show that only about 3% of autism is
due to pure genetic reasons.  We see often times a preference for auditory
processing, with gifts in music, mathematics, and memorization in these cases.
Where the genes interact with the environment is where autism is being studied.
Our increasingly toxic world is filled with more and more for our bodies to adapt to,
including artificial colors and flavors, medications, fillings in our teeth, polluted air
and water, and even the bath and body products we use. MTHFR is a genetic
condition that decreases the body's ability to detox. It may be present in up to 50% of
children, and may be a major contributor to why certain children are more prone to
autism because their bodies have trouble getting rid of heavy metals, plastic
compounds, etc.

Leaky Gut Syndrome
The gut-brain connection is being increasingly known as either an indicator of good
or poor health in many areas - behavior and mood, autoimmune disorders, and also
autism.  Present in our guts should be healthy bacteria symbiotically in balance with
certain types of fungi and yeast, known as a microbiome. An unhealthy microbiome
can stem from a C-section delivery (where baby didn't pick up mom's microbiome),
an inability to breastfeed (again, where baby can receive mom's microbiome through
her skin), use of acetaminophen or Tylenol, antibiotic use, or a prolonged
Sympathetic Response (too much time in fight or flight).  Complicating these
underlying factors, children with autism often times prefer simple carbs and refuse to
eat fruits and vegetables and fermented foods that contribute to a healthy
microbiome.  So when a child with leaky gut eats a potentially toxic food, containing
artificial colors, or MSG, these substances can get through the gut and out into the
body, creating more inflammation and potential for other auto-immune diseases.

When substances that have leaked out through the gut reach the brain, inflammation
occurs inside the brain. This can look like tics, explosive behavior, or even sensory processing

We have never checked a child with autism who did not have a major misalignment,
or subluxation, in his or her upper neck.  How does this happen in a young child?
The birth process, in utero misalignment (twins, a breech or posterior position), a fall
or injury, hitting his or her head, etc. can all cause a subluxation.
Research has shown that a subluxation can affect the brain negatively in ways that
can contribute to autism.  A misalignment can decrease blood flow and flow of
cerebral spinal fluid to the brain. A misalignment can also send faulty sensory
information to the brain, which can cause a lack of body coordination and the brain
not understanding where the body is in space. The upper neck area, when out of
balance, also contributes to a sympathetic, or fight or flight response. For many
children, this takes a lot of energy and can leave them tired but wired. Insomnia,
perceived threats in a safe environment, and trouble with concentrating are all signs
of being stuck in fight or flight.

If you would like to read some of these studies or want more information, please
reach out!   Our goal is to empower parents to make great choices about the health
care of their children.  Next week, we will share more about the village that we have
to try to make improvements in quality of life for children who have neurodevelopmental disorders and their families.


Autism Month Part 2: Contributors

As we discussed last week, the prevalence of autism has increased greatly.  This week we will look to the why so hopefully we can prevent these numbers from increasing even more in the future.  Autism is a condition that encompasses the nervous system, the digestive system, the immune system, and the body's ability to excrete, so it is very complex issue.

Nature vs. Nurture

One to two generations ago, in the 1970's, the genetic material of humans was clearly very similar to how it is today.  Yet autism occurred in only 1/10,000 people. For that reason, it’s not surprising that studies show that only about 3% of autism is due to pure genetic reasons.  We see often times a preference for auditory processing, with gifts in music, mathematics, and memorization in these cases.  

Where the genes interact with the environment is where autism is being studied.  Our increasingly toxic world is filled with more and more for our bodies to adapt to, including artificial colors and flavors, medications, fillings in our teeth, polluted air and water, and even the bath and body products we use. MTHFR is a genetic condition that decreases the body's ability to detox. It may be present in up to 50% of children, and may be a major contributor to why certain children are more prone to autism because their bodies have trouble getting rid of heavy metals, plastic compounds, etc.

Leaky Gut Syndrome

The gut-brain connection is being increasingly known as either an indicator of good or poor health in many areas - behavior and mood, autoimmune disorders, and also autism.  Present in our guts should be healthy bacteria symbiotically in balance with certain types of fungi and yeast, known as a microbiome. An unhealthy microbiome can stem from a C-section delivery (where baby didn't pick up mom's microbiome), an inability to breastfeed (again, where baby can receive mom's microbiome through her skin), use of acetaminophen or Tylenol, antibiotic use, or a prolonged Sympathetic Response (too much time in fight or flight).  Complicating these underlying factors, children with autism often times prefer simple carbs and refuse to eat fruits and vegetables and fermented foods that contribute to a healthy microbiome.  So when a child with leaky gut eats a potentially toxic food, containing artificial colors, or MSG, these substances can get through the gut and out into the body, creating more inflammation and potential for other auto-immune diseases.  When substances that have leaked out through the gut reach the brain, inflammation occurs there and can look like tics, explosive behavior, or even sensory processing disorders.


We have never checked a child with autism who did not have a major misalignment, or subluxation, in his or her upper neck.  How does this happen in a young child?  The birth process, in utero misalignment (twins, a breech or posterior position), a fall or injury, hitting his or her head, etc. can all cause a subluxation.  

Research has shown that a subluxation can affect the brain negatively in ways that can contribute to autism.  A misalignment can decrease blood flow and flow of cerebral spinal fluid to the brain. A misalignment can also send faulty sensory information to the brain, which can cause a lack of body coordination and the brain not understanding where the body is in space. The upper neck area, when out of balance, also contributes to a sympathetic, or fight or flight response. For many children, this takes a lot of energy and can leave them tired but wired. Insomnia, perceived threats in a safe environment, and trouble with concentrating are all signs of being stuck in fight or flight.

As we mentioned, this is a very complex issue and our goal is to empower parents to make great choices about the health care of their children. If you would like to read some of these studies or want more information, please reach out!  Next week, we will share more about the village that we have to try to make improvements for kids with neurodevelopmental disorders and their families.


April - Autism Awareness Month!

April is Autism Awareness Month.  The incidence of autism has increased from 1/10,000 in the 1970’s to 1/68 children (1/42 boys and 1/189 girls) in March of 2014.  Lisa Ackerman, TACA Executive Director, has stated, “We can no longer assume we are more aware or better at diagnosing. There is just more autism. It is time we offer families help not excuses.”

The fiscal cost of the devastating neurological disease depends on its severity, but has been estimated between $1.4 - $2.4 million over a lifetime.  It is not hard to see that if the rate of autism keeps dramatically increasing, this burden will not be sustainable financially or emotionally for families and individuals.

While we celebrate the wide range of neurodiversity present in our city, state, and even in our own office at Lifelong Health, we believe that adding health to every situation can help improve quality of life.  Since autism affects the nervous system, the digestive system, the immune system, and the excretion systems, symptoms looks very different in different individuals.  But a salutogenic approach, (a focus of health-creation) for children and adults with autism and their families has brought HUGE benefits for many, including sleep, focus, digestion, decrease in tics and improved socialization and behavior.  Over the next few weeks we will discuss the know risk factors contributing to autism, and the many ways we can support health in this all-encompassing disease. 



A Spring Without Allergies???

Top 5 ways to beat Spring Allergies

If you’re like me, this time of year is exhilarating - the snow is melting and the days are getting looong! But for millions of Americans, spring allergies dampen the fun and excitement that spring can bring. As a lifelong allergy sufferer, I’m here to relate the tips that have helped me get through spring the last 12 years without the miserable stuffy sinuses, itchy eyes, runny nose, and dull headache, all naturally.

1. Avoid mucus-producing foods. The top two by far are dairy and sugar. As tempting as Easter candy can be, keeping my ears and nose unplugged feels better than candy, milk, and cheese taste! This time of the year is a great time to dial in on nutrition to prep for summer!

2. Add extra anti-inflammatory foods. This can be super easy and sustainable, such as adding lemon to your water, or eating extra greens with your meals. Less inflammation means less mucus, less itching, less discomfort!

3.  Consider a cleanse or fast.  A 3-day juice cleanse helps pack in great immune-boosting power of vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants. Both a juice cleanse or a day long water fast can help your body clear out toxins.

4. Eat local honey.  Honey is a great antioxidant and has antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-allergenic properties.  Many sufferers from seasonal allergies have reported relief after having local honey in their tea or raw by the tablespoon.  Since bees collect pollen from the flowers in the environment, their honey contains tiny and safe amounts of pollen that can help the allergy sufferer become accommodated to the pollen.

5. Chiropractic and cranial work. The nerves that supply the eyes, ears, and nose are all located in the upper neck.  A misalignment here can keep these areas from working as well as they could. Many of our patients report instant drainage of their sinuses and better function in their immune system after an adjustment.  Gentle cranial work can also help the fluid that may be stuck somewhere in a cavity or sinus in your head free up instantly. We also love to teach our patients drainage techniques that they can use at home.

As always, we offer complimentary phone consults. If you’re frustrated by the idea of a season of feeling stuffy and itchy, call us at 612-354-2231. If you’re a current patient and want to talk more about tips or strategies, we are happy to schedule extra time and talk more about how to have an allergy-free spring!


Let me introduce you to, Tabata

A major excuse for why people don’t exercise on a regular basis is because we don’t have enough time!  Believe me when I say, I have been there!  However, I have found an amazing solution called Tabata which is both time efficient and can be done anywhere! (Have you ever had enough time to work out, but not enough time to drive to the gym TO work out?!)  This is why I am always on the lookout for low-maintenance and highly effective workout routines!  Tabata is a from of high intensity interval training developed by Japanese scientist Dr. Izumi Tabata.  The premise of a Tabata workout is to do a series of high intensity exercises for short durations of time, with breaks in between.  There are several benefits of doing a Tabata compared to traditional exercise. Such as: increased anaerobic capacity, increased metabolism, fat loss, and time efficiency.

Excited? Me too. So let me break it down: a typical Tabata lasts 4 minutes long and consists of doing a specific move for 20 seconds then resting for 10 seconds. Repeat for a total of 8 rounds.  Doing 3-4 Tabatas in a row is a great way to make an extremely efficient and challenging workout! However, start with whatever you can handle-the best way to spring into health is to start with acheivable goals and work your way up!  Here is an example of my favorite Tabata workout:

Mountain Climbers (4 minutes)
Bodyweight Squats (4 minutes)
Crunches (4 minutes)
Push-ups (4 minutes)

Start with mountain climbers by doing 8 twenty second intervals with 10 seconds of rest between each interval.  Once you have finished the mountain climbers, take a 1 minute break and then begin the body weight squats set.

Try a Tabata workout next time you're in a pinch for time or if you want to spice things up a little with your at-home workouts!  And of course, let us know how it goes!


Spring Into Health!

Hooray! It is finally March and spring is (hopefully) on the way!

This month, we will be discussing lots of small tweaks that we can make to our routines to Spring Into Health! Using the extra light and frenetic energy that comes this month to springboard into greater health changes will create even more leverage - more energy, and moving closer to the direction of our goals (health or life).

Our first tip this month is very simple. Instead of trying to make a major diet change, could you add one more fruit or vegetable to each meal? Bonus points for a raw fruit or veggie! Adding blueberries with breakfast, a small salad instead of fries with your burger for lunch, and some carrot sticks with dinner would be a very pleasant and simple way to hit this goal.

Meanwhile, you have increased your energy, boosted your antioxidant status, increased fiber for digestion, consumed essential vitamins and minerals to help your body work well, all while fighting cancer, reducing your risk of diabetes, and improving digestion. Whether your goal is weight loss, more energy, healing a condition, or aging gracefully,health is best achieved through small, sustainable steps. 

Join us next week for a small tweak in your exercise for exponential change!