Coherence Chiropractic

Tips for Spring Allergies

Any other chronic seasonal allergy sufferers out there?  After I accidentally avoided allergies one year by doing a fast followed by a cleanse, it made me wonder… what actually caused my allergies?  Why did pollen from trees, grasses, weeds, and flowers as they begin to fertilize other plants (or occasionally molds that can form underneath the snow) create a histamine reaction with itching, sneezing, stuffy sinuses, and watery eyes for me and some people, while others handle the change in seasons with relative ease?

 Spring allergies, or allergies of any kind, are actually linked back to an interconnected triad – our neurology, our immune system, and our gut!  (to learn more sign up for our next Gut-Brain workshop HERE!)  So to improve the root cause of allergies, addressing improvements in those three areas can actually the work to beat those pesky allergies for good.

Here are my top tips to minimize or avoid spring allergies:

  1. Get adjusted! The nervous system is in charge of both the immune system and the digestive system. Upper neck adjustments show a huge improvement in immunity, and often instantly clear sinuses for people.
  2. Address any leaky gut issues. For most people a fast is difficult, but a period of clean eating avoiding dairy, grains, and sugar to minimize inflammation and mucus production during allergy season is sustainable.
  3. Support your gut health. My favorite supplements are bone broth protein powder and probiotics.  Fermented foods, from kefir water to kombucha to kimchi are fun and tasty ways to get healthy bacteria into your gut.
  4. Local honey! Bees that have used the pollen in your area to make honey can help your body process pollen more easily.
  5. Use DoTerra Breathe oil – I love to diffuse it around the house, rub it on my collarbones, or rub it into my hands and take a few deep breaths to clear up my sinuses.