Coherence Chiropractic

Preparing for the Healthiest 2019

In this nebulous time before New Years and after the holidays, many of us find ourselves in a carb, alcohol, or cheese-coma, trying to find the perfect version of ourselves just in time for the New Year. As we say goodbye to 2018, and possibly try to say goodbye to some of our choices that kept us from living our best lives, please join us in our first annual Self Care Challenge.

Starting on January 2, we will be emailing out daily tips or ideas on how to gently, mindfully make our health a priority, tune in to the inner wisdom of our bodies, and take small steps to relax. 

Rather than punish yourself at the gym or set a lofty diet goal that is nearly impossible to keep, join us on an adventure to show ourselves more love. If you do not receive our monthly emails, please send us a message here.