Coherence Chiropractic

Improving your child's suck (LITERALLY!) can help them in all areas

The Tongue and its Connection to the Vagus nerve

Many professionals, from psychologists to physical therapists to craniosacral therapists, agree that having proper tone of the vagus nerve creates health in all areas of life, from growth and development (hitting milestones) to attachment. Babies with a vagus nerve that fires well have better digestion and absorption, deeper breathing, deeper sleep, a relaxed and playful attitude, and a strong bond with their parents. 

What does the vagus nerve have to do with the tongue? Well, the vagus nerve is a cranial nerve that exits near the top of the neck and ear and sends signal to muscles of the face (including the tongue) as well as to the heart, lungs, and digestive organs. When the vagus nerve sends the right signal to the tongue muscles, this creates a proper suck for good and deep feeding. We all know babies suck for comfort and regulation, and proper tongue alignment and function is critical for babies’ well being. 

How do we know when the vagus nerve isn’t sending a good signal to the tongue? Babies may look asymmetrical, with one side twisting or pulling. Babies will likely dislike tummy time. While asleep, baby may prefer an open mouth posture, indicating a related airway issue that can cause sleep apnea, snoring, or sinus and adenoid problems. Their suck will also likely be inefficient, painful or clicky or they may prefer bottle feeding. When looking at the infant’s face, you may notice that their jaw is not very prominent, or that their jaw opens more to one side than the other. 

How does a chiropractor improve vagal tone? We do a variety of interventions. First and foremost, we restore proper nerve function by providing the gentlest of adjustments in the upper spine. A trained and specialized pediatric chiropractor applies only the amount of force it takes to check ripeness of the tomato. Next, we do craniosacral therapy, which again very gently assists in finding the best alignment for all the small skull bones (if you notice ridges or gaps or flat spots on your infant’s head, this will be especially important). Lastly, we provide education and home care advice that may include stretches, recommendations for a pacifier that improves vagal tone, and teach you other ways to help your baby find their most calm and relaxed self.

Interested in learning more? Call 612-280-6596 for a free phone consult, or if you’re ready to help your baby come to our Viridian office for an exam.