Coherence Chiropractic

Expand Your Range of Resonance

Why can’t we handle it when things get toooo good? Our nervous systems calibrated to the level of stress and chaos that we were raised in (particularly until about age 7 or before our prefrontal cortex developed). Rather than feel something unfamiliar, our body and mind prefer the devil that we do know. Our bodymind, in order to keep ourselves safe, uses our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to subconsciously create the same types of circumstances that feel familiar.

What if we consciously decide that our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are not in alignment with who we want to be? If we are too close to bursting our bubble of perceived safety/familiarity, our subconscious gives us some forms of resistance: distractions, headaches, tuning out or dissociation, anxiety, negative self talk, etc. We have to get below the surface of our conscious mind to make changes.

What sends 90% of the information to our subconscious brain? Our nervous system, our spinal cord. The tone, tension, or pressure in our spine likely reflects the same stress and pressure in our life.  The stresses or traumas that were too much for us to process get hidden away and protected. This can look like pain, defensive posture (like a mad cat!), tight muscles, easily going into fight or flight, stuck joints, trouble sleeping, or a disconnection from areas of our body.

To reset the thermostat of your bodymind’s tolerance for joy, peace, and presence, heal your nervous system! Network Spinal coupled together with Somato Respiratory Integration help bring the parasympathetic nervous system (which does relaxation, digestion, and healing) back online and help integrate ease back into our bodies and lives.

Expand your range of resonance! Feel comfortable with the joy and bliss that is our birthright. Alchemize the wounds into gifts that bring us wisdom. If you are ready for MORE, contact us for a free telephone consult.