Coherence Chiropractic

2019 Self Care Challenge

Join us in our gentle challenge to get more healthy and love ourselves well

Welcome to the Self Care Challenge!  Our intention for this challenge is for you to nourish your body and your mind, to rest and enjoy this cozy time of year, and if you so choose to reflect on yourself and the year behind you.  It is not for you to have another item to  check off on your to-do list, or another resolution to feel guilty about not completing. 

This challenge is for you if you are hoping to increase yourself-love, accept your body, and take a gentle approach into setting a positive call to shift into something new. As we go through the week’s challenges to show your body a little extra love, we will be laying the ground work on a bonus challenge of setting an intention or perhaps a word that we intend to live into this year.

In this gentle challenge, we are taking our cues from the hibernating animals and dormant plants around us.  We aren’t going to cut our energy sources, or work out to the extreme like many New Years goals and plans call for. Instead,we are exploring what feels good, nourishing, and helps us feel restful in hopes that we can make some of these practices regular.

 If you have set a resolution and have big plans for January to lose 20 lbs, start a new workoutplan, etc., this challenge may be a good way to show yourself some grace and add calm. If you want to avoid becoming a New Years’ statistic, we will be breakingdown the reason for the resolutions.  Is there something about you that you’re trying to fix?  Is there something that you feel guilty or shameful about?  These emotions rarely create the fuel necessary for lasting change.  Remember that the way you showed up for 2018 was just who you needed to be to get through the challenges and situations you made it through, and grew into the person you are now.

Today’s Challenge is easy  – Drink an extra glass of water or two today and help your body flush out the toxins that likely entered your system in the last few weeks 😊 Another recommended part of the challenge is to set a reward for yourself: maybe something simple like buying a juice at the Co-op or a new candle, or trying a new yoga or spin class. Or maybe you want to treat yourself and get a pedicure or a massage.

Reflection Challenge: If you want to do the bonus work of setting an intention or word for 2019, today we start by reflecting on the year past. Spend 5-10 minutes to journal and think about these questions.  What was the best part of 2018? Who was an important person who you met or who influenced you? Who and what are you most thankful for?  What was the hardest thing that you did?  Where did you show up in a big way?  What are you most proud of?